Evie's story:

Finding purpose in a passion

Evie Toombes is 21 and lives in Skegness.

Evie was born with spina bifida, a spinal cord injury which has affected the nerves to her legs, bladder and bowel. Throughout her life, Evie has lived between her home and hospital, balancing physio and other appointments alongside growing up and trying to live a regular life.

Having been influenced by her mum’s love for it, horseriding has always been a hobby Evie enjoyed. But as she approached her teenage years, Evie started to take riding more seriously and decided to become registered as a para athlete. This allowed her to enjoy the sport even more, as she was able to receive help that made her passion more accessible.

“The horses keep me going. They don’t mind whether you’re poorly or healthy. Being able to look after them is so rewarding.”

Since then, Evie has been selected for Team GB, and even travelled to Munich for their Horse of the Year Show. This year, Evie has gone on to win the National Championships with her horse Jack.

In 2019, Evie began working with the Mintridge Foundation – a charity dedicated to promoting active lifestyles and positive mental health for children and young people, and to providing sporting role models to positively influence young people.

Evie is a Mintridge Ambassador and shares her story with young people through school visits, assemblies and online webinars, where students can learn more about Evie’s journey and ask her questions about her life and hidden disability. Evie has also delivered a successful mentoring programme for Mintridge, supporting students and developing their confidence, resilience and self-belief.

Further reading

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